» Travel grants and awards
Travel grants and awards for PhD students & Postdocs:
Travel Awards, please click on the below links:
We are happy to mention the following NAVBO travel award winners:
Ibrahim Alzaim (Aarhus University
Surya Prakash Rao Batta (University of South Florida – Heart Institute)
Aleksandra Cwiek (University of Virginia)
Giulia De Rossi (University College London)
Hisham Ibrahim (University Health Network/University of Toronto)
Mascha Koenen (Rockefeller University)
Lakyn Mayo (UCSF)
Apeksha Shapeti (KU Leuven)

Aletta Jacobs award:
In particular we would like to draw your attention to our awards for female scientists in the field of vascular biology, that are at the start of their career. The Aletta Jacobs award was first introduced at the joint Dutch German vascular biology meeting in 2018 in Amsterdam, and continued to promote cross-border vascular research involving junior scientists. Eligible are female PhD students, and female Postdocs within one year upon their thesis defense.
Aletta Jacobs was the first female physician in the Netherlands, and also the first woman to obtain a PhD in Medicine in The Netherlands. She showed a strong engagement for women in society and she was a role model for many female scientists to follow, both in the Netherlands and internationally. For more information about here remarkable life, please visit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aletta_Jacobs
The authors of the four best abstracts will be invited to give a presentation in the Aletta Jacobs session dedicated to promote women in science. You can apply during the abstract submission process.