» Program | Thursday 04.07.2024
Thursday 04.07.2024: 08.30-09.50h
Plenary Session – Keynote speakers 7 and 8
Main Conference Hall (Grote Zaal)
08.30-09.10h Anne Eichmann (Yale/PARCC, USA/France)
09.10-09.50h Stefanie Dimmeler (Goethe Uni, Frankfurt, Germany)
09.50-10.15h Coffee and tea break
Parallel Sessions
Thursday 04.07.2024
Wilhelminazaal: track 1
10.15-11.45h: Parallel Session 15
Session 15: Angiocrine control mechanisms
Sponsored by the Korean Vascular Biology Society KVBM
10.15-10.35h: Shahin Rafii (Cornell, USA)
10.35-10.55h: You Mie Lee (Kyungpook National University, South Korea)
10.55-11.15h: Helmut Augustin (DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany)
11.15-11.35h: Yoshiaki Kubota (Keio University, Japan)
11.35-11.45h: Abstract Selection
Thursday 04.07.2024
Julianazaal: track 2
10.15-11.45h: Parallel Session 16
Session 16: Innovative therapies & translational approaches to combat ischemic CVD
10.15-10.35h: Eldad Zhahor (Weizmann, Israel)
10.35-10.55h: Jean-Sébastien Hulot (PARCC, France)
10.55-11.15h: Christian Kupatt (TUM, Germany)
11.15-11.35h: Seppo Yla-Herttuala (Finland)
11.35-11.45h: Abstract Selection
Thursday 04.07.2024
Beatrixzaalzaal: track 3
10.15-11.45h: Parallel Session 17
Session 17: Leukocyte – Vessel wall interactions: focus on immune cells
sponsored by Leukocyte SFB-Munich-Muenster
10.15-10.35h: Markus Sperandio (Munich, Germany)
10.35-10.55h: Sussan Nourshargh (London, UK)
10.55-11.15h: Oliver Söhnlein (Münster, Germany)
11.15-11.25h: Abstract Selection
11.25-11.35h: Abstract Selection
11.35-11.45h: Abstract Selection
Thursday 04.07.2024
Amaliazaal: track 4
10.15-11.45h: Parallel Session 18
Session 18: Epigenetic control of cardiovascular remodeling
10.15-10.35h: Sarah de Val (Oxford, UK)
10.35-10.55h: Minna U Kaikkonen (Finland)
10.55-11.15h: Kaska Koltowska (Sweden)
11.15-11.25h: Abstract Selection
11.25-11.35h: Abstract Selection
11.35-11.45h: Abstract Selection
11.45-13.00h Lunch + Poster Viewing
Thursday 04.07.2024
Wilhelminazaal: track 1
13.15-14.30h: Parallel Session 19
Session 19: Organo-typical vasculatures
13.00-13.20h: Ralf Adams (MPI Münster, Germany)
13.20-13.40h: Gou Young Koh (Center for Vascular Research, IBS, South Korea)
13.40-14.00h: Ferdinand le Noble (KIT, Germany)
14.00-14.20h: Shigetomo Fukuhara (Tokyo, Japan)
14.20-14.30h: Abstract Selection
Thursday 04.07.2024
Julianazaal: track 2
13.00-14.30h: Parallel Session 20
Session 20: Neuro-Immune modulation of vascular function
Sponsored by the journal Cardiovascular Research
13.00-13.20h: Daniela Carnevale (Rome, Italy)
13.20-13.40h: Ziad Mallat (Cambridge & PARCC, UK/France)
13.40-14.00h: Tom Guzik (CVR, UK)
14.00-14.10h: Abstract Selection
14.10-14.20h: Abstract Selection
14.20-14.30h: Abstract Selection
Thursday 04.07.2024
Beatrixzaal: track 3
13.15-14.30h: Parallel Session 21
Session 21: Mechanotransduction (part 1)
sponsored by the Australian Vascular Biology Society AVBS
13.00-13.20h: Anne Lagendijk (Australia)
13.20-13.40h: Stefan Offermans (MPI Bad Nauheim, Germany)
13.40-14.00h: Ellie Tzima (Oxford, UK)
14.00-14.10h: Abstract Selection
14.10-14.20h: Abstract Selection
14.20-14.30h: Abstract Selection
Thursday 04.07.2024
Amaliazaal: track 4
13.00-14.30h: Parallel Session 22
Session 22: Novel developments in high-end imaging at single cell level
13.00-13.20h: Eric Reits (Amsterdam, NL)
13.20-13.40h: Dorus Gadella (Amsterdam/EMBL, NL)
13.40-14.00h: Peter Friedl (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
14.00-14.10h: Abstract Selection
14.10-14.20h: Abstract Selection
14.20-14.30h: Abstract Selection
14.30-14.50h Coffee and tea break
Thursday 04.07.2024
Wilhelminazaal: track 1
14.50-16.20h: Parallel Session 23
Session 23: Vascular pathophysiology unique to the CNS
Sponsored by NAVBO and KVBM
14.50-15.10h: Chenghua Gu (USA)
15.10-15.30h: Injune Kim (South Korea)
15.30-15.50h: Katerina Akassoglou (San Francisco, USA)
15.50-16.10h: Jean-Leon Thomas (Yale, USA)
16.10-16.20h: Abstract Selection
Thursday 04.07.2024
Julianazaal: track 2
14.50-16.20h: Parallel Session 24
Session 24: Interrogating (genetic) causes of vascular disease in man
Sponsored by the AVBS
14.50-15.10h: Miika Vikkula (Brussels, Belgium)
15.10-15.30h: Graeme Birdsey (London, UK)
15.30-15.50h: Claudine Bonder (Australia)
15.50-16.00h: Abstract Selection
16.00-16.10h: Abstract Selection
16.10-16.20h: Abstract Selection
Thursday 04.07.2024
Beatrix Zaal: track 3
14.50-16.20h: Parallel Session 25
Session 25: Emerging molecular mechanisms in atherosclerosis (part 2)
Sponsored by Atherosclerosis-SFB-Munich
14.50-15.10h: Mireille Ouimet (University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Canada)
15.10-15.30h: Laurent Yvan-Charvet (Nice, France)
15.30-15.50h: Maliheh Nazari-Jahantigh (Munich, Germany)
15.50-16.00h: Abstract Selection
16.00-16.10h: Abstract Selection
16.10-16.20h: Abstract Selection
Thursday 04.07.2024
Amalia Zaal: track 4
14.50-16.20h: Parallel Session 26
Session 26: hosted by the Japanese Vascular Biology & Medicine Organization
Sponsored by the JVBMO
14.50-15.10h: Yoshito Yamashiro (Japan)
15.10-15.30h: Fumiko Itoh (Tokyo, Japan)
15.30-15.50h: Norihiko Takeda (Japan)
15.50-16.00h: Abstract Selection
16.00-16.10h: Abstract Selection
16.10-16.20h: Abstract Selection
16.20-16.30h Break to get from the lecture halls to the Aletta Jacobs award session for talented females at the start of their career
Thursday 04.07.2024: 16.30-18.00h
Plenary Session – Session 27: Aletta Jacobs award session – Sponsored by AstraZeneca Germany
Juliana Hall
16.30-16.45h: Karina Yaniv (Weizmann, Rehovot, Israel)
16.45-17.00h: candidate 1 – selected from abstracts
17.00-17.15h: candidate 2 – selected from abstracts
17.15-17.30h: candidate 3 – selected from abstracts
17.30-17.45h: candidate 4 – selected from abstracts
17.45-18.00h: Katrin de Bock (ETH, Zürich, Switzerland)
19.00 – 23.00 h CONFERENCE PARTY!!!