» Program | Friday 05.07.2024
Thursday 05.07.2024: 08.30-09.10h
Plenary Session – Keynote speaker 9
Main Conference Hall (Grote Zaal)
08.30-09.10h Stephania Nicoli (Yale)
09.10-09.15h Short break to get to the parallel sessions
Parallel Sessions
Friday 05.07.2024
Wilhelminazaal: track 1
09.15-10.45h: Parallel Session 28
Session 28: Cardiovascular growth & regeneration – insight from zebrafish models
09.15-09.35h: Paul Martin (Bristol, UK)
09.35-09.55h: Brant Weinstein (NIH, USA)
09.55-10.15h: Guy Malkinson (Paris, France)
10.15-10.25h: Abstract Selection
10.25-10.35h: Abstract Selection
10.35-10.45h: Abstract Selection
Friday 05.07.2024
Julianazaal: track 2
09.15-10.45h: Parallel Session 29
Session 29: Translational session – from the bench to bedside
09.15-09.35h: Ed Eringa (VU/CARIM, NL)
09.35-09.55h: Yoshiaki Okada (Osaka University, Japan)
09.55-10.15h: Niels Riksen (Nijmegen, NL)
10.15-10.35h: Stephane Germain (Paris, France)
10.35-10.45h: Abstract Selection
Friday 05.07.2024
Beatrixzaalzaal: track 3
09.15-10.45h: Parallel Session 30
Session 30: Mechanotransduction (part 2)
09.15-09.35h: Martin Schwartz (Yale, USA)
09.35-09.55h: Sara Baratchi (Baker Institute, Australia)
09.55-10.15h: Julian Vermot (London, UK)
10.15-10.25h: Abstract Selection
10.25-10.35h: Abstract Selection
10.35-10.45h: Abstract Selection
10.45-11.15h Coffee and tea break
Friday 05.07.2024
Wilhelminazaal: track 1
11.15-12.45h: Parallel Session 31
Session 31: Barriers in the nervous system
11.15-11.35h:Isabella Brunet (Paris, France)
11.35-11.55h:Martin Dichgans (Munich, Germany)
11.55-12.15h:Benoit Vanhollebeke (Bruxelles, Belgium)
12.15-12.25h:Abstract Selection
12.25-12.35h:Abstract Selection
12.35-12.45h:Abstract Selection
Friday 05.07.2024
Julianazaal: track 2
11.15-12.45h: Parallel Session 32
Session 32: Vascular Remodeling in the Uterus and Placenta
Sponsored by NAVBO & BMVBS & SFB-Munich
11.15-11.35h: Lopa Leach (Nottingham, UK): Two circulations, one goal: matched haemodynamics and signalling at the human materno-fetal interface
11.35-11.55h: Kara L. McKinley (Harvard, USA)
11.55-12.15h: Roland Immler (Munich, GER)
12.15-12.25h: Abstract Selection
12.25-12.35h: Abstract Selection
12.35-12.45h: Abstract Selection
Friday 05.07.2024
Beatrixzaalzaal: track 3
11.15-12.45h: Parallel Session 33
Session 33: Thrombo-embolism – platelet function
Sponsored by the German Centers for Cardiovascular Research – DZHK Standort Kiel
11.15-11.35h in progress
11.35-11.55h in progress
11.55-12.15h in progress
12.15-12.25h Abstract Selection
12.25-12.35h Abstract Selection
12.35-12.45h Abstract Selection
12.45-14.00h Lunch and Poster
14.00-14.30h Poster award ceremony – different societies
Friday 05.07.2024
Wilhelminazaal: track 1
14.30-16.00h: Parallel Session 34
Session 34: Lymphangiogenesis (part 2)
14.30-14.50h:Friedemann Kiefer (Münster, Germany)
14.50-15.10h:Guillermo Oliver (Chicago, USA)
15.10-15.30h:Ben Hogan (Melbourne, Australia)
15.30-15.40h:Abstract Selection
15.40-15.50h:Abstract Selection
15.50-16.00h:Abstract Selection
Friday 05.07.2024
Julianazaal: track 2
14.30-16.00h: Parallel Session 35
Session 35: Interactions in the tumor micro-environment
Sponsored by the Korean Vascular Biology Society KVBM
14.30-14.50h: Kairbaa Hodivala-Dilke (London, UK)
14.50-15.10h: Keehoon Jung (Seoul National University, South Korea)
15.10-15.30h: Natasha Harvey (Adelaide, Australia)
15.30-15.40h: Abstract Selection
15.40-15.50h: Abstract Selection
15.50-16.00h: Abstract Selection
Friday 05.07.2024
Beatrixzaalzaal: track 3
14.30-16.00h: Parallel Session 36
Session 36: Vascular Function
14.30-14.50h in progress
14.50-15.10h in progress
15.10-15.30h in progress
15.30-15.40h Abstract Selection
15.40-15.50h Abstract Selection
15.50-16.00h Abstract Selection
16.00-16.10h Short break to get to the Young Investigator session
Friday 05.07.2024: 16.10-17.40h
Young Investigator Session & EVBO Lecture Award
Plenary Session – Session 37:Young Investigator Symposium + EVBO Lecture Award – Sponsored by the European Vascular Biology Organisation
Willem Alexander Hall
16.10-16.30h: Maria Kotini (Basel, Switzerland): Brain vascular architectures
16.30-16.50h: Kari Vaahtomeri (Helsinki, Finland): Lymphatic endothelial guidance of targeted cell migration
16.50-17.10h: Sikander Hayat (Aachen, Germany): Spatial atlas of Human Atherosclerosis
17.10-17.40h: Session Speaker – EVBO Lecture Award – tba
Friday 05.07.2024: > 17.45u
Joint Award Ceremonies
Announcement Australia IVBM2026
IVBM after Party at dedicated location